Tuesday 16 October 2007


I am only existing everywhere.
Without me , not a minute place anywhere.
I was always existing
& I will exist forever .
Time does not exist for me
as nothing happens in me .
I am happy & calm ,
the truth I am
which never faint
as nothing can disturb me
from my state .
I gain nothing
& I lose nothing
as everything is me
& everybody is me .
Though I am evenly existing
everywhere ,
it is the illusion
appears to an individual
that it is separate from another.
All are mine
various colours,forms,shapes
appear different from each other .
I am energy & I am mass .
I am knowledge & I am sense .
I am devotee , the earthly aspect of all
& myself deity , the divine original
as I am the whole ;
material as well as immortal .